May 25, 2016
Prop Photography Prop Styling- the art of creating harmonious compositions from large to small table scale by executing the vision of the art director and encompassing the clients goals to reach a specific target market [et_pb_button admin_label=”Button” button_url=”/contact” url_new_window=”off” button_text=”Book Today” button_alignment=”left” background_layout=”light” custom_button=”off” button_letter_spacing=”0″ button_use_icon=”default” button_icon_placement=”right” button_on_hover=”on” button_letter_spacing_hover=”0″ custom_css_main_element=”margin-left:80px;” button_border_radius=”0″] [/et_pb_button] Contact Kylie Today Name*Email* Phone*Message**requiredPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left...